
Here is a list of key awards and other recognition received by Adam Dettrick Architects.


 Movida Sydney is a finalist in the 2014 Sydney Design Awards. 


Movida Sydney is a finalist in the 2014 Sydney Design Awards. 

Narrabundah House shortlisted for 2014 Houses Awards.

Narrabundah House shortlisted for 2014 Houses Awards.

MoVida Sydney shortlisted for the 2014 Australian Interior Design Awards, Hospitality Category.  Congratulations MoVida!

MoVida Sydney shortlisted for the 2014 Australian Interior Design Awards, Hospitality Category.  Congratulations MoVida!

Premier's Sustainability Prize 2012, Built Environment – Design category:  Cape Paterson Ecovillage.Congratulations to our client, Cape Paterson Partnership for winning this award.

Premier's Sustainability Prize 2012, Built Environment – Design category:  Cape Paterson Ecovillage.

Congratulations to our client, Cape Paterson Partnership for winning this award.

Narrabundah House awarded the 2014 ACT Architecture Award for Residential - New projects.

Narrabundah House awarded the 2014 ACT Architecture Award for Residential - New projects.

Regional Prize,Victorian Architecture Awards 2011.The Heights Community Building, Traralgon

Regional Prize,Victorian Architecture Awards 2011.

The Heights Community Building, Traralgon

Most Outstanding Ecologically Sustainable Lifestyle Village, 2010 Australasian Over 50's Housing Awards. Dalkeith Heights Lifestyle Village, Traralgon.

Most Outstanding Ecologically Sustainable Lifestyle Village, 2010 Australasian Over 50's Housing Awards. Dalkeith Heights Lifestyle Village, Traralgon.

Small Project Award, Victorian Architecture Awards 2010.Movida Next Door restaurant, Melbourne

Small Project Award, Victorian Architecture Awards 2010.

Movida Next Door restaurant, Melbourne

2011 Australian Interior Design Awards:  Movida Aqui restaurant shortlisted: Hospitality Design

2011 Australian Interior Design Awards:  Movida Aqui restaurant shortlisted: Hospitality Design

2011 Australian Interior Design Awards:  Movida Aqui restaurant shortlisted: Commercial Colour Award

2011 Australian Interior Design Awards:  Movida Aqui restaurant shortlisted: Commercial Colour Award


Shortlisted 2012 Transiting Cities international design ideas competitionProposing ideas to achieve a low carbon future for Latrobe City, Victoria.

Finalist:  Houses Magazine Awards 2011, Sustainability category:  North Melbourne House


Shortlisted:  Proposition 3047 - National Architecture Competition, 2006:  Shortlisted architects for the design of a new city centre for the Melbourne suburb of Broadmeadows. 

Shortlisted:  RAIA Victoria Chapter Awards 2004:  Port Melbourne House